Morristown Jewish Center

Welcome to Morristown Jewish Center

Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael (MJCBY) is an egalitarian, Conservative congregation with a rich history of more than 120 years.

We seek to infuse the joy and love of Judaism in all we do.

We are a family — meeting the religious, educational, and social needs of all our members from our youngest to our oldest.

We are fortunate to enjoy a proud history that is supported by our multi-generational congregation.

Our congregational family continues to thrive and evolve as we welcome new families to our historic landmark building.

If you are a member, we're delighted that you are part of our congregational family and look forward to seeing you again soon.

If you are not a member, we extend a heartfelt invitation to visit for any of our services or programs — we'd love to meet you!