Morristown Jewish Center

WEB: Release #3

The Facelift project is now complete. Any further changes will be made through routine updates.

Here is the status of the website updates plannned for Release #3:

11/13 Update

  • Events & Calendar: we will use the Google Calendar for managing all public and internal events
    • This decision was made in a meeting on 10/23 with Alexis, Gadi, Neda, and Bob
    • The benefits of this solution are that all MJCBY events will be visible in the same platform and its simplicity
    • The calendar is now displayed in "schedule" format (rather than grid format) to improve readability
    • It is displayed via the Calendar link in the main menu and no longer shown below the Slide Carousel
    • The only desired feature that will not be accommodated is the display of flyers with each event — Google Calendar does not support the includion of graphics in its calendar entries
    • Amy Brunswick & Bob have submitted several changes to the office for updates to existing Google calendar entries
    • Gadi & Neda will complete the updating of existing entries to ensure that they have complete event information
  • Religious School and Youth Programs pages have been updated (Miriam)
  • Lifelong Learning will be updated as part of routine maintenance
  • Homepage update: A Featured Event section has been added underneath the slide carousel. This will be reviewed at the weekly staff meeting and updated as the current featured event ages out and new events to be featured are identified.

Reported on 9/26

  • New Shalom Yeladim page (Fern & Haley) — Published, awaiting final updates
  • New Religious School page (Miriam) — Done
  • New Lifelong Learning page (Miriam) — pending
  • New Youth Programs page (Miriam) — pending
  • Review of Minyonaires writeup in Youth Programs page (Cantor Shana) — pending DONE
  • Edit B'nai Mitzvah Guide (Marci, Lauren, Bob) — Update complete; in final review with Rabbi & Ritual Committee DONE
  • New Events & Calendar management (Gadi, Neda, Bob)
    • A major design goal for the Facelift project was to showcase the many things going on at the shul (and not display internal-only meetings on the public site)
    • We currently have four channels where public events are listed and none of them is complete: Google calendar on the public website, Monthly Newsletter, Tue/Thu E-blasts, ShulCloud Calendar in the members section
    • All public events should be displayed on the public site before they appear in other channels
    • Gadi & I are investigating how to make this happen and what an implementation process might be...we hope to have a proposal after the holidays

Reported on 8/28

  • Updated Inclusion page with new LGBTQIA+ section (Arlyn) - Done
  • New Adult Education page (Peppi & David) - Done
  • New Inquiry and Membership forms (Amy & Karen) - Done
  • Updated History page (Bob & Lew) - Done
  • Judaica Shop: add search terms for search engine optimization (SEO) and link from Welcome menu (Sharon) - Done
  • Publish High Holy Days page (Bob) - Done