Morristown Jewish Center

WEB: Release #3

Here is the status of the website updates plannned for Release #3:

9/26 Update

  • New Shalom Yeladim page (Fern & Haley) — Published, awaiting final updates
  • New Religious School page (Miriam) — Done
  • New Lifelong Learning page (Miriam) — pending
  • New Youth Programs page (Miriam) — pending
  • Review of Minyonaires writeup in Youth Programs page (Cantor Shana) — pending
  • Edit B'nai Mitzvah Guide (Marci, Lauren, Bob) — Update complete; in final review with Rabbi & Ritual Committee
  • New Events & Calendar management (Gadi, Neda, Bob)
    • A major design goal for the Facelift project was to showcase the many things going on at the shul (and not display internal-only meetings on the public site)
    • We currently have four channels where public events are listed and none of them is complete: Google calendar on the public website, Monthly Newsletter, Tue/Thu E-blasts, ShulCloud Calendar in the members section
    • All public events should be displayed on the public site before they appear in other channels
    • Gadi & I are investigating how to make this happen and what an implementation process might be...we hope to have a proposal after the holidays

Reported on 8/28

  • Updated Inclusion page with new LGBTQIA+ section (Arlyn) - Done
  • New Adult Education page (Peppi & David) - Done
  • New Inquiry and Membership forms (Amy & Karen) - Done
  • Updated History page (Bob & Lew) - Done
  • Judaica Shop: add search terms for search engine optimization (SEO) and link from Welcome menu (Sharon) - Done
  • Publish High Holy Days page (Bob) - Done