Morristown Jewish Center

Cantor Shana Onigman

Cantor Shana Onigman“Shiru L’adonai shir chadash” - Sing a new song unto God!

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I look forward to singing with you.

[Re-write in first person, active voice]
Cantor Shana Onigman loves teaching, learning, and singing in the MJCBY community. She can usually be found preparing students to become B’nai Mitzvah, teaching classes in the religious school, playing guitar for preschoolers, studying Jewish texts with adults, or baking hallah for our Shabbat evening community dinners in MJCBY’s kitchen. She received her training and ordination to become a Cantor from Hebrew College in Brookline, MA, and attended Rabbinical School at the Jewish Theological Seminary in Manhattan. Her husband Matthew, a piano tuner and technician, conducts the high holy day choir at MJCBY. Her eldest child is a student at Smith, studying music and neuroscience, and her son Ilan enjoys accompanying Shabbat evening services on drum, and entertaining the congregation with his slightly modified version of the weekly announcements.
