From left to right: MJCBY co-presidents Marci Charm and Alexis McGrath, Morris Township Deputy Mayor (and MJCBY Board member) Jeffrey Grayzel, NJ Assemblywoman Aura K. Dunn, Rabbi Emeritus David Nesson, NJ State Senator Anthony Bucco, Morristown Mayor Timothy Dougherty, and Rabbi Adam Gillman
The gala featured the presentation of several proclamations by our elected officials, a choral performance by Kol Dodi, an on-line triva game about the community's history, and of course, lots of great food.
Cantor Emeritus Attias and Kol Dodi Singing L'cha Dodi in Mizrachi style
This timeline is based on a speech given in November, 1979 by Judge Lawrence Willner, MJCBY President, at the 50th anniversary celebration of the dedication of our building. Lew Stone and Julie Stone each provided additional information.