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Note: The Building Fund for new members fee is waived for new members who have paid into building funds at previous synagogues where they were members.
The Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael welcomes interfaith families to participate in all Congregational events and activities. Since 2021, non-Jewish spouses (or a single non-Jewish parent of Jewish children) have been eligible for synagogue membership, including voting in Congregational elections, serving on committees of the Congregation, and participating in Sisterhood or Men's Club. Membership on the Board of Directors, chairing certain committees, and receiving many ritual honors, however, are limited to individuals of the Jewish faith. Interfaith families are an important part of the fabric of our membership; we encourage you to meet with the Rabbi to discuss any questions you may have.
It is Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael's policy that no Jewish person should be discouraged from membership or receiving religious education for financial reasons. For consideration of extenuating circumstances, please contact the Executive Director at (973) 538-9292.
Our synagogue is committed to providing a variety of opportunities for Jewish expression such as our Religious School, Kadima, USY, Adult Education and social programs, Shabbat, High Holy Days and Religious Services. In order to meet the financial obligations of Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael (MJCBY), we depend on the Congregational Community to honor its financial obligations to the Synagogue. We therefore require that, as a condition of membership in the Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael, that each member agree to abide by the financial policies of MJCBY, including executing the annual Dues Agreement, and to make timely payment of all obligations - dues, Religious School costs and fees, assessments approved by the Board of Directors or the congregation, and pledges or donations to MJCBY. Also, as a member of MJCBY, you agree and understand that your financial obligations to MJCBY shall continue until paid in full. The obligation to pay membership dues and building fund remain due until the member(s) submits a written letter of resignation to the MJCBY office. Upon receipt of the written letter of resignation, membership dues and any unpaid building fund obligation of the member(s) shall be pro-rated.