Morristown Jewish Center


We are committed to life-long learning:
Studying our traditions is central to being a Jew and to creating involved and active Jewish families. Our Preschool, Religious School, Youth Groups and Adult Education programs provide opportunities for growth and development at all life stages.

Pre-school children in the Shalom Yeladim program at MJCBY

Shalom Yeladim — The Judie Gerstein Early Learning Center is is our preschool program at MJCBY.

Our certified teachers and state licensed program have been enriching children’s learning experiences for 30 years. Our preschool offers a loving, nurturing, stimulating and inviting program in which every child develops at their own pace. [More...]

Children in MJCBY religious school showing their Passover plates

Religious School/Limud Some call it Religious School, some call it Sunday School, and some call it Hebrew School, but it is all about learning...we call it Limud, the Hebrew word for learning.

Limud is about seizing the opportunities to learn wherever we can. MJCBY takes seriously our responsibility to help each and every student learn and grow some every single day on a Judaic journey towards genuinely becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah (a Son or Daughter of the Commandment). [More...]

Families on a bicycle trip in our life-long learning program at MJCBY

Life-long Learning Our program offers exciting and meaningful opportunities for all ages and stages to celebrate Jewish life and grow in Jewish learning, experiences and education.

Family and Community Programs include:
TGIS ( Thank G-d It’s Shabbat) – a monthly special service, dinner and program
Kidz Shabbat – a Saturday morning children’s service and program
Congregation Shabbat Dinners prepared by Cantor Shana
...and so much [More...]

Friends in the Adult Education program at MJCBY

Adult Education We offer numerous opportunities for congregants to explore adult Jewish concepts. Our award-winning Adult Education programs are taught by our Rabbi, Cantor, guest speakers and members of the congregation. Programs include: ongoing beginner’s Hebrew classes, Outreach to Judaism courses, (for those interested in joining the Jewish people), Adult B’nai Mitzvah, on-going Torah Study, Women’s and Sisterhood events, Scholar-in-Residence weekends, Jewish Music and Concerts, Philosophers of February Series, and programs surrounding a special theme for the year. Our monthly Adult Education Movie nights brings movies of Jewish interest and guest speakers.

Graphic showing books being transformed into digital assets on a computer scree. Image used without permission from

Digital Library — We have a growing collection of digital media to share. In addition to our YouTube channel and Facebook page, we have recordings of presentations and performances at MJCBY. [More.