Morristown Jewish Center

Youth Programs

MJCBY offers dynamic Jewish youth programming for tweens and teens in grades 6-12. These groups provide opportunities to:

  • Develop awareness and pride in being Jewish
  • Build leadership skill
  • develop unforgettable friendships and connections
  • Have fun!

Middle School

MJCBY kids in the Middle School program Our middle-school-age program for grades 6-8 provides a much needed break for today’s busy tween who is navigating new academics and friends in middle school, doing a mitzvah project, having the Bar/Bat Mitzvah itself and thinking about high school. With more responsibilities than ever before, our middle schoolers need a break to enjoy Jewish and secular activities and trips with friends they’ve often had since preschool. Our group at MJCBY is growing, with new and exciting programs!

For more information about our middle-school program, please email xyz.

High School

MJCBY kids in the School School programOur high-school youth group aims to inspire Jewish teens to explore, celebrate and practice ethical values, Jewish Living, Zionism and community responsibility.

Our teens have tremendous opportunities to have fun, make new friends and build their leadership skills while planning events such as lounge nights, movies, Tikkun Olam programs and trips. And they have an even bigger stage for growing their social and leadership skills by participating at events with other Jewish teens in our Greater MetroWest Morris County community.

For more information about our high-school school program, please email xyz.


MJCBY kids in the School School programThe Minyonaires program was started in 1970 by then President of the congregation Herman Frigand. The group is led by the Rabbi, Cantor and other members of our Ritual Committee. Of note, Minyonaires is a recipient of a Gold National Solomon Schechter Award for Youth.

The Minyonaires is a group of post Bar/Bat Mitzvah students who lead Saturday morning services in the main sanctuary of the congregation. The group has 60 members and as many as 40 will participate on a monthly basis. The students lead the service, read Torah and Haftorah and deliver the D’Var Torah.

This unique and special program was started 40 years ago with a vision to keep young people involved in the religious life of the community and to interact and see each other on a regular basis long after their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. It started with as few as six members and now has as many as 60. They make important friendships which continue into their future.

For more information about our Minyonaires program, please email xyz.